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A selection of articles on all things slowing down, celebrating the handmade wardrobe, and enjoying fashion mindfully!

Aug 26, 20244 min read
Self doubt, the nemesis of progress
Self-doubt is that nagging lack of confidence in our abilities and decisions, keeping us from taking action or improving our situation –...

Jul 25, 20243 min read
Taking a more empathetic approach to your wardrobe
Every item of clothing has a story, yet we are only privy to part of that story. The larger narrative began well before the clothing came...

Jun 30, 20244 min read
Thinking about a wardrobe clear out?
Tips on getting started, what to ask yourself before parting with an item, and how to better care for the things in your wardrobe.

Jun 30, 20243 min read
Lost your 'sewing mojo'?
This term 'sewing mojo' describes the creative drive that keeps us excited and passionate about our sewing projects.

Jan 6, 20244 min read
#Makenine2024 challenge
After a more mindful and purposeful approach to your sewing? Why not consider the 'Make Nine' challenge?! My focus in sewing throughout...

May 23, 202210 min read
5 independent pattern brands to get you inspired
Wanting to know the difference between commercial and independent sewing patterns, or just looking for your next project? Then this post...

Feb 26, 20224 min read
Fibre focus: Recycled polyester
It can usually be found lurking somewhere amongst fashion brand offerings. While it is often marketed as being a greener, more conscious...

Jan 16, 20224 min read
Label love: Ecoalf
Born from the desire to create a truly sustainable brand, Ecoalf places the environment at the core of everything they do. Based in:...

Jan 2, 20225 min read
Vegan, but make it fashion
Simply curious, or considering the switch to veganism? Here are a few things to know about vegan fashion. Being vegan for many, is about...

Jan 2, 20223 min read
Label love: Armedangels
The name 'Armedangels' certainly conjures an image of some kind of warrior of the clothing industry. But that is kind of what this brand...
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